Canva Makes Content Class Recording, Materials, & Bonuses
This is the recording of the 3.5 Canva Makes Content Zoom class that Coach Jeni had on December 7, 2021.
You will receive a link to the following with your purchase:
3 hour recording of the class
Branding Board Canva Template
Business Card Canva Template
Thank You Card Canva Template
30+ Content Canva Templates
BONUS Tutorial on Creating Journals/Planners with Canva Templates
BONUS Tutorial on Publishing & Printing Journals/Planners with Amazon
BONUS Digital Business Card Canva Template
BONUS Social Media Sizes Cheat Sheet (gives exact sizes of pictures for multiple social media platforms).
Also, anyone that attended the class or purchases the recording will get access first for enrollment of Part 2 to Canva Makes Content.
The actual distribution, modification to resell, and selling of any part or of the entire template are strictly forbidden. This template can ONLY be customized through Canva. You may download them in PDF, jpg, png, mp4, gif, and other formats.
Visjen Makers sale of templates is not affiliated with Canva in any official way. Canva makes no promises regarding third-party templates, and Canva shall not be liable for anything arising from the creation (or purchase) of a third-party template.
All digital products are NON-refundable.